Even Top Designers Make Duds Sometimes

Every so often I make something that never sees the light of day because the idea in my head was so much better than the finished article.  Sometimes it makes me laugh to see what oddity I ended up with, sometimes I could cry for the hours spent on what turns out to be a bit of a road crash.

And I wondered, do top designers get ideas that really just should never have left the drawing board, too?   I decided to do a bit of searching… Here’s what I found…

Yves St Laurent wedding dress, inspired by a babuska doll apparently…. all credit to any man that says yes to a lass in this!

Balenciaga couture 1968 – interesting for a photo but in reality it’s a cross between a bed sheet and a lamp shade

I can only hope this was either by Weta Workshop or was a 13 year old’s sewing project – no other excuses are acceptable

… and this one? well this is just taking the piss…

~Flo  (Dianne)

Retro and Jungle Taggies

Following on from the ‘making things in miniature’ theme, these are a few of the wee taggies I made last week.  I had a hoot making them, not only because I love the designs on the panels, but also because it was such fun choosing the different types of tags so there were different colours, lengths and textures.

I love the wee red ribbon that looks like a tape measure, and was quite taken with the blue checked elasticated ribbon too – so much fun to pull and fiddle with 🙂

I keep a couple of taggies button-free so they are suitable for little babies who might suck and chew on them, and added fun buttons onto others aimed at slightly older children who want more to touch and explore and who are less likely to try to eat them!

Which is your favourite?

The taggies are NZ$10 plus $1 p&p and are available for sale on my facebook page.

Dianne (Flo)

Bibs, Dribblers and Babies

I have to tell you, there are times when I am sat in my own wee world in the work room, cutting, designing, stitching and photographing stuff, that I begin to wonder whether my marbles really have finally gone off on a wee jaunt to Fiji and left me behind in la-la land.   Or maybe I’m just getting clucky again, heaven forbid!   But all I want to do at the moment is make things in miniature.

Given I flit from project to project, with the attention span of a demented moth, it’s always a relief when something sells – for both me and the long-suffering Mister Flo who tolerates my mad cap doings and only sometimes moans about the number of pins he finds on the carpet.

Anyhoo, this week I’ve gone berserk making bibs and taggy toys, and I’m pleased to say they are going down mighty well so far.   here are some of the bibs… the rest are on Facebook here

mooandflo bib

mooandflo bib

At just $7 and $8 each, they are selling well so far.

mooandflo bib

mooandflo bib

Postage is free for a limited time, so get your order in quick and take advantage of the freebie!

mooandflo bib

mooandflo bib

And don’t forget I can accept payment by Paypal so I can post anywhere in the world.

mooandflo bib

mooandflo bib

I only make a tiny limited run of any one design (usually about 3-4, but never more than say 10) so don’t hang around if there is one you really love!

mooandflo bib

mooandflo bib

Some of these are sold already!

mooandflo bib

mooandflo bib

mooandflo bib

If you want to see more designs, just pop over to our Facebook page and take a peek!

~Dianne (Flo)

Competition Winner!

Thanks to everyone who entered our sweepstake over at mooandflo’s facebook page.

Despite Facebook’s new rules, which make competitions and give aways a lot trickier to set up and run than previously, we had lots of entries, which is FABULOUS!

So without further delay, I will rip open the gold envelope  …


Karina Ponsaing!

Well done Karina – you have a  goodie bag of lovely mooandflo treasures winging its way to you!


Baby Bibs Galore

I’ve been having a hoot making babe bibs this past week or two, using up all those wee bits of fabric that were too small to make frocks or skirts with.  The bibs with Kiwiana designs have gone down a treat, so I’ve bought some more lovely fabric on that theme to add to the variety.  I also love the wee pussy cat and giraffe  ones – I’m a sucker for animals, as you all know.

Here are a few:

mooandflo Kiwiana bibs

mooandflo bibs

mooandflo jandal bibs

mooandflo Thomas The Tank bib

for my dear nephew Roman

mooandflo dribble bib

Such fun to make!  Time to go whip up some more 🙂


Dog Fancy Dress – part 4

There are no words…

it’s a simple rule –
if you wouldn’t wear it, don’t make your dog wear it

is it a dog, is it two pirates?
ohhh, my sides

you all loved the T Rex, so here’s
a triceratops for you!

Dog Vader?
ATAT Dog – May the Force Be With You

One can only ponder what that poor dog thinks of that!

And there we end for today – largely because my sides can’t take any more.



